Gravy? Sauce? Sugo? Ragu?
Learn how to make this classic dish in one of our Spring Cooking Classes.
If you are an Italian-American, Sunday Gravy was probably a ritual in your family as it was in mine. You might know the term gravy as it gained notoriety in the HBO hit, The Sopranos, but certainly it is not universal to all Italian-American families. Many of you know this classic dish in its simplest form as spaghetti and meatballs. But it is really so much more than that. Our family did not call it "gravy." We simply called it "sauce." My father tells me that growing up they called it "Il Sugo", meaning "the sauce," as opposed to "un sugo" meaning one of many sauces. This is the sauce that mama prepared, that simmered on the stove all day with meatballs, Italian sausage, possibly some pork ribs or braciole. For me, this is the ultimate comfort food, my proverbial 'last meal' request. This is the dish that is synonymous with family and tradition. This is the most often requested meal by our children for special occasions.
Our own family ritual went something like this. After nine o'clock Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, we stopped at DiVincenzo's Bakery, and stood in a long line to get two really fresh just-out-of-the-oven baguettes to take home. You had to get two because one would be half eaten by the time you got home. Mom would get the sauce started, while Dad turned the radio on to the Italian Hour. When that was over, then it was a mix of Sinatra, Dino and Jerry Vale from Dad's record collection. Meanwhile, we lingered over the Sunday paper while the meats simmered in the sauce or "gravy". As the sauce cooked down, the aroma filled the house stimulating your appetite to a seemingly insatiable level. Every now and then you had to go in the kitchen to give the sauce a stir so that it didn't burn,and of course snitch a meatball in the process. It's important to make more meatballs than you think you will need. Mixing and rolling those meatballs on Saturday night was my job and little did I realize then, the beginning of my love for cooking.
By one o'clock the windows were pretty well steamed up and the smell of tomato sauce permeated all of your senses. Finally we got to sit down to a repast that could have fed an army. If unexpected guests arrived---no problem. There was always enough. We always served the pasta first (except we didn't call it pasta then---we called it macaroni). Then came the meat followed by the salad. And dessert? Fuggeddaboudit-who had room for it? Well perhaps we had room later that evening while we were sitting around watching Ed Sullivan.
Most Italian-American men are fiercely loyal to their mother's 'il sugo' and I am no different. I will be so bold as to say that I think I have improved on Mom's sauce by virtue of now using locally raised grass-fed beef and by making our own sausage from pigs that we have raised ourselves. We know what they have eaten and not eaten.
An interesting side note is that my mother who is not Italian, certainly learned to cook like one. And you can too. Sunday Gravy, The Big Ragu is one of the many offerings in our Spring Cooking Classes at Crippen Creek.
Our most popular class, Artisan Bread Baking is on the schedule several times. We have also scheduled a class on Italian Country Cooking,(how to eat and entertain, Italian style), Pizza and Calzone and Just Desserts (in which you can learn how to make a Perfect Tiramisu). We keep our class size small so that you get lots of personal attention, accommodating the aspiring novice as well as the seasoned veteran. It's a great way to spend an afternoon or evening, or better yet come out for a Culinary Getaway Weekend. Consider a gift certificate for a cooking class as a great alternative to buying more stuff. A complete listing of our classes is now listed on our website. We hope to see you at one of our classes.
OK, you are probably ready for some pictures by now.
passing on the tradition
Meatballs made from local beef and pork
Homemade Italian Sausage compliments of
Our dear Porchetta

Tutti a tavola! (everyone to the table)

Don's comfort food

for carnivores only
Here are a few shots from our cooking classes.
Artisan Bread Baking
learn to make this Italian Country Loaf at home
students from Italian Country Cooking Class
enjoying the fruits of their labor
And finalmente....
A Perfect Tiramisu
Now what about you? Do you have a version of this classic dish in your family? Or were you lucky enough to have an Italian friend that invited you to Sunday dinner? How about sharing your own ethnic family traditions with our readers? Are there some cooking class themes you would like for us to offer?
We will continue to highlight Italian-American cuisine in future posts but in the meantime you might want to visit
Italyville and Proud Italian Cook. I love these blogs.
Buon appetito!
Kitty, I absolutely loved this post! It made me feel warm and fuzzy all over, great memories you shared! You so captured the essence of Italian American families. I can relate to everything you said, the windows steaming up, the smell throughout the house, and enough food to feed an army!! We called it sauce too! Thank you for your kind words, I love blogging because it leads me to people like you. BTW, You know that red and white enamel bowl you have in the photo? I have a blue and white one that I make Timpano in ( like in the movie Big Night)I did a post on it a year ago last Christmas. Maybe that could be your next cooking class! It feeds around 16 people. Hugs yo you!
xox, Marie
mmmm, I can smell and taste that delicious sauce just reading about it. I always love those Sunday afternoons... the sauce cooking all day, the steamed up windows, the music, sitting around at the table continuing to soak up extra sauce with the bread, lively family discussions, trying to make it all last a little longer so that Monday doesn't come. Definitely would be my last meal request as well.
Yum. I think I'm going have to make some of that on Sunday.
The aroma of Sunday Sauce is a vivid memory that I have; not only of the sauce Mom made with all of those delicious meatballs, but also when walking with my girlfriend from and to church on Bay St. in Rochester in Spring and Summer. Everyone had their windows open and the whole neighborhood would be permeated with the aroma of delicious sauce that would grace the table for Sunday dinner for the families.
Your description and photos hits the nail on the head and makes those memories of mine wish for those days again. Keep up the good work! Centanni!!
Buona Fortuna ,
Thanks for the idea about the Timpano. I loved Big Night and that would make a great theme for a class.
I check your blog often for inspiration.
You're making me hungry! Looks delicious.. what time should I come over?;) Great post and thanks for the link! Joe@italyville
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